Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Restaurant Classics: The "TableCraft Test"

Having grown up around TableCraft (my father gave me the TableCraft catalog as reading material when I got my tonsils out), I can easily and quickly identify TPC pieces by their design and material. Over the years, my friends have developed something they call a "TableCraft Test" to see if a product is TableCraft. As soon as they see something they think is ours, they hold it up above their head and search for the TPC logo on the bottom. If it's TableCraft, they send me goofy pictures of themselves posed with the item and we all get a kick out of it. Since the start of "The TableCraft Test", I've accumulated more silly pictures of friends with our classic ketchup squeeze bottles and (my favorite item!) our 1074 red basket than all the other items combined, making hot dog places the ultimate place to do "The TableCraft Test". Next time you're in one, try it! If you're feeling daring enough, send us a photo to Jennifer@tablecraft.com and we'll post it to our Facebook!